Regional Landcare Partnerships Environment

Regional Landcare Partnerships Environment


Delivering Regional Landcare Partnership Services to achieve environmental outcomes.

Cochiemudlo Island beach and a plant being plantedFocusing on heritage areas, threatened species threatened ecological communities, and migratory species.

The program is made of multiple services to be delivered, including specific initiatives aimed at achieving environmental outcomes by the end of the 5-year program. 

Healthy Land & Water is responsible for the delivery of the Regional Land Partnerships (RLP) component of the National Landcare Program in South East Queensland. Starting back in 2018, the program, focused on national priorities, is carried out over five years and is made up of three main components.

The environmental stream focuses on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), world heritage areas, Ramsar Wetlands, threatened species, threatened ecological communities, and migratory species.

The outcomes for the environmental stream include restoration and reduction in threats to the ecological character of Ramsar Sites, implementation of priority actions, invasive species management to reduce threats to the natural heritage, implementation of priority actions to improve EPBC Act listed Threatened Ecological Communities and more.

The program focuses on:

  • Achieving environmental outcomes.
  • Restoring and reducing threats to the ecological character of Ramsar sites.
  • Implementing priority actions.
  • Reducing threats to natural heritage.
  • Improving EPBC Act listed Threatened Ecological Communities.


What we are doing

Pineapple farm in the Pumicestone passageDelivering environmental outcomes to preserve the ecological significance and biodiversity of Moreton Bay Ramsar Wetlands. 

The program includes multiple projects all driven to deliver and achieve environmental outcomes on different levels.

These projects and activities deliver environmental services for the SEQ Management Unit under the RLP Program: Ramsar services, threatened species services, World Heritage services, and threatened Ecological Communities services to achieve specific environmental outcomes.

The process of achieving those outcomes involves:

  • Addressing key threatening processes to the Moreton Bay Ramsar site and its threatened species.
  • Controlling pests and domestic animals.
  • Improving ecological fire regimes.
  • Reducing weeds reduces impacts from vehicles/pedestrians.
  • Reducing sediment run-off.
  • Removing marine debris.
  • Improving habitat through revegetation and the creation of aquatic habitats.


Measuring success

As a result of the program, many activities to achieve environmental outcomes are being delivered:

  • Activities to restore or reduce threats to the ecological character of Ramsar sites (controlling pest animals, removing pest weeds, improving hydrological regimes, improving land management practices).
  • Activities to stabilize or improve the trajectory of species targeted under the Government’s Threatened Species Action Plan and other priority EPBC Act species.
  • Activities to reduce threats to the natural heritage Outstanding Universal Value of World Heritage properties.
  • Activities to improve the condition or listed threatened ecological communities.


Why this project is important

In August 2018, Healthy Land & Water was contracted as the deliverer for the South East Queensland (SEQ) Management Unit under the Regional Land Partnerships (RLP) component of the National Landcare Program’s second phase.

The Regional Land Partnerships (RLP) Program is a core component of the Government's $1 billion investment under Phase 2 of its National Landcare Program.

This program aims to address key threatening processes to the Moreton Bay Ramsar site and its threatened species by controlling pests and domestic animals, improving ecological fire regimes, reducing weeds reducing impacts from vehicles/pedestrians, reducing sediment run-off, removing marine debris, and improving habitat through revegetation and the creation of aquatic habitats.

Projects delivered under the RLP focus on recovering vulnerable ecological communities, protecting threatened species, and reducing threats to our globally significant wetlands.

Additionally, the RLP includes sustainable agricultural projects to improve soil quality, assist farmers in adapting to climate change, and respond to evolving market demands.  


Project snapshot

Project name:  Regional Landcare Partnerships - Environment Program
Project manager:  Suzi Moore, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment:  Moreton Bay
Timing: 2018 – 2023 (Completed)
Budget: $5mil

This program is part of the $1 billion investment across the nation from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, to deliver environmental outcomes.

The projects are being delivered alongside amazing partners including private landowners, land managers, local Landcare groups, and Traditional Owners. 

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What's next

There is huge potential to build on the successful work.


Project collaborators

This program is funded but the Australian Government National Landcare Program and delivered in collaboration with landowners, managers, local Landcare groups, and Traditional Owners. 

 Australian Government NLP