Fishers for fish habitat in the Logan-Albert River

Fishers for fish habitat in the Logan-Albert River

Tackling declining fish habitat on many fronts in priority locations along the Logan-Albert Rivers.

Photo of the project launch with the 300.000 chequeRestoring once-thriving fish populations of Logan and Albert Rivers.

Protect and improve vegetation and biodiversity in the Logan-Albert Rivers estuary to restore fish populations.

Healthy Land & Water’s Fishers for Fish Habitat in the Logan-Albert Rivers project is a collaborative and coordinated effort to restore the once-thriving fish populations of these iconic South East Queensland rivers tackling declining fish habitat on many fronts and in priority locations along the Logan-Albert Rivers.

About the project

  • Habitat construction and restoration.
  • Increasing fish habitat awareness.
  • Promotion of the value of healthy marine and freshwater habitats and good water quality to marine life.
  • Improving and protecting the condition of the soil, biodiversity, and vegetation in the Albert and Logan Rivers.


What we are doing

Photo of launch with guests being showed where the project will focusPromoting the active involvement of recreational fishers in strategic and collaborative fish habitat restoration.

The process to restore fish populations involves:

  • 40 recreational fishers are participating in strategic on-ground projects.
  • These projects increase awareness and adoption of land management practices among the community.
  • The establishment and monitoring of fisher access tracks and boardwalk through saltmarsh and mangrove ecosystems, and installation of in-stream structures (fish hotels and snags) at Riddell Park.
  • The installation of habitat structures, large woody snags, and riparian vegetation at Scrubby Creek.
  • Bank stabilisation and installation of large woody structures and revegetation at the Logan River Parklands.
  • A shellfish reef restoration trial using recycled oyster shells to regenerate the once-prevalent ecosystem will be deployed in Lower Albert.
  • An OzFish Logan-Albert Chapter will be established, supported by the Central Moreton Bay and Gold Coast Chapters, to actively involve local fishers in fish habitat enhancement.

The program aimed to include the augmentation of 1.2 hectares of in-stream habitat, rehabilitation of 1 hectare of riparian habitat, and restoration of 1.2 hectares of coastal salt marsh. 

Measuring success

  • An improvement in fish passage and an increase of fish abundance and diversity in the estuary will be achieved by improving and protecting the condition of the soil, biodiversity, vegetation, and EPBC Act listed Threatened Ecological Communities in the Albert and Logan Rivers.
  • The project will promote the active involvement of recreational fishers in strategic and collaborative fish habitat restoration including shellfish reefs as important fish habitats to the Moreton Bay Ramsar wetland.
  • This will bring to the implementation of activities including recycling and sanitising of oyster shells at the Port of Brisbane and installing shell-filled structures to an approved site within Moreton Bay.

Why this project is important

The Logan - Albert River system between the Gold Coast and Brisbane is heavily impacted by urban, industrial, and agricultural uses.

The river is also highly populated and is popular with many fishers.

The river plays a fundamental role in the lives of Logan residents with recreational and commercial fishing important features of the local community. Water quality is important to support both native fish diversity and abundance.

Improvement in riparian habitat is important in maintaining water quality, reducing sedimentation, providing shade, and reducing water temperatures.


Project snapshot

Project name:  Fishers for fish habitat in the Logan-Albert River
Project manager:  Patrick Malone, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment:  Logan and Albert
Timing: 2020 – 2023 (Complete)
Budget: $300,000
Partnerships:  This habitat restoration program is run in collaboration with Ozfish and Logan City Council and funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
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What's next

Funding has ended for this project. There is huge potential to build on the successful work. 

Project collaborators

This habitat restoration project was funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Program and implemented in collaboration with Ozfish and Logan City Council. 


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