New specifications for bioretention filter media released!
New bioretention filter media specs are out and available for free download from our website.
In addition to providing specifications for filter media, it gives great advice and options to improve and maintain healthy plants in bioretention systems.
New specifications for bioretention filter media
This resource has been developed to provide the industry with an alternative recommended option to the existing specifications.
A companion document, Improving the Biology of bioretention systems has also been released. This literature review synthesises over a decade’s worth of knowledge and research to address deficiencies in filter media that may be responsible for the unsuccessful establishment and dieback of plants seen in bioretention systems.
Go to the resources section to download them.
The preparation of these documents by Water by Design was funded by the Queensland Government’s Investing in Our Environment for the Future Program and delivered by the Department of Environment and Science (DES). It was co-funded through contributions from Healthy Land & Water’s partners, including local governments across the South East Queensland region.