Our reach-scale streambank erosion program targets erosion hotspots utilising our scientific expertise and ability to bring together synergistic partnerships to reduce streambank erosion on a large scale. This is a major source of sediment entering our waterways causing a wide range of water quality challenges.
This is one of our signature holistic programs, designed to go beyond band-aid solutions which focus on fixing one problematic area of erosion in isolation.
Our approach uses the best available science and on-ground knowledge to identify multiple erosion hotspot sections along the length of a waterway, and what is contributing to the degradation in each section.
These reaches are targeted sections, often several kilometres of streambank, that are the highest priority or have the highest return on investment for restoration works. The approach targets rehabilitation efforts to where they will be most effective.
Developing investment plans for each of these reaches allows broad multi-stakeholder investment in riparian resilience for outcomes including flood risk reduction, water quality improvement, nutrient offset and carbon offsetting.
Waterways are prioritised depending on their geographic linkage to existing rural and urban waterways, biodiversity corridors and value opportunities for rehabilitation.
Effective water management is critical to controlling pollution and improving water quality.