The story oflocal action

Nature-based solutions for sustainable sewerage

Restoration work at Caboolture River with innovative stabilisation methods and more than 30,000 new biodiverse plants will create more liveable communities and guarantee sustainable sewerage services

Innovative restoration work at Caboolture River

Healthy floodplain & ecosystems

Helps mitigate excess nutrient impacts and improves flood resilience while improving water quality and biodiversity.

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Caboolture River Restoration
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Caboolture River Restoration


The project is one of Australia’s largest nutrient-offsetting river rehabilitation projects in an estuarine environment.

2.4km of highly degraded riverbank rehabilitated

This helps prevent ~3,800 tonnes of soil erosion per year

Nitrogen & phosphorus benefits

Offsetting 1.6 tonnes of total nitrogen and 0.5 tonnes of total phosphorus per year.

Community & recreational benefits

Collaboration with partners ensures project success on the ground and for the people and communities in the local areas.


The work not only protects the area for the benefit of the local community, but also involves the local landholder in restoration efforts.

The critters benefit too

Improvements of aquatic ecosystem health and rejuvenating terrestrial habitat for wildlife

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Caboolture River Restoration

Restoration work at Caboolture River

Unitywater has undertaken restoration work at Caboolture River with innovative stabilisation methods and more than 30,000 new biodiverse plants to create more liveable communities and guarantee sustainable sewerage services,

The $8M Caboolture River project involves rehabilitation and revegetation of 2.4km of highly degraded riverbank, preventing 3,800 tonnes of soil erosion per year, offsetting 1.6 tonnes of total nitrogen and 0.5 tonnes of total phosphorus per year. The project is one of Australia’s largest nutrient-offsetting river rehabilitation projects in an estuarine environment.

Traditional Owners’ and European cultural heritage sites were identified, managed, and preserved during construction, with eight of the nine sites also sitting in a sensitive fish habitat zone of the estuary. The project design had to adopt softer engineering approaches, including pinned logs and tree root balls, to achieve a stable bank profile and enable establishment of riparian vegetation. Innovative erosion protection was also installed to mitigate boat wash, protect eroding banks, and trap mangrove propagules.

The project, which includes collaboration with Healthy Land & Water as construction partner, addresses erosion, helps mitigate excess nutrient impacts and improves flood resilience while improving water quality and biodiversity, supporting aquatic ecosystem health and rejuvenating terrestrial habitat for wildlife.

Partnership approach


A story ofstewardship and local action in SEQ

Massive region-wide partnerships approach

The South East Queensland Stewardship Report is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government

This project has only been made possible by a collaboration of forward-thinking organisations.

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QLD  4001  

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