Create connections between people, place & culture

Creating connections between people, place & culture

Threat caused by land use change

Stakeholders | Our strength is achieved by bringing strong multi-facited partnerships together. We have meaningful regionships with First Nations and our staff are innovation leaders in natural resource management.

  • We capitalise on our strong partnerships network and ability to bring partners together to deliver. We strategically grow our partnerships to be able to deliver on the increased scope of works needed for SEQ. We have meaningful trusted relationships with our First Nation communities in SEQ, empowering them to Care for Country and learning from their collective wisdom. Our own workforce are innovative leaders in our industry, and we are an Employer of Choice for our diversity, inclusion and opportunities for growth.

Power partners | We have an ever growing network of power partners who amplify the influence of our network and who advocate and co-invest. 

  • To have an extensive network of power partners (influencers) that extend the influence of our collective network and can advocate, partner and/or co-invest as needed. This have memoradums of understanding or similar, with recognised Native Title holders in SEQ.
Direct the investment in SEQ's environmental future
Deliver transformative environmental & community change
Create connections between people place and culture

Healthy Land & Water projects

aligned to our new strategic plan

Koala threat management South East Queensland

Community, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Expansion of Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Knowledge Research, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Threat - Drought, Threat - Fire

Moreton Bay Ramsar Stakeholder Network

Coastal & marine, Community, Goal 09: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Climate

NRRP - Regional Recovery Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, First Nations, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Land, Nature, Threat - Land use

Expanding the known population of Davidsonia johnsonii

Biodiversity Conservation, Goal 15: Life on Land, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Fire preparedness: Go-to bushfire training, tools, advice, planning and services

Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Adaptation, Community, Fire, First Nations, Land, Nature

Drought Innovation Hub - Southern Queensland node

Community, Land, Nature, Sustainable Agriculture

Riverine Flood Recovery Project

Community, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Water

The new Riparian Management Investment Tool

Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Knowledge Research, Land, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss, Water

Wild Macadamia Hunt Program

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Knowledge Research, Land, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Brisbane Catchments Network Online Mapping Tool

Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Nature

Bushfire recovery project

Biodiversity Conservation, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Threat - Fire

Coochiemudlo Island Wetland Weed Control project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Land, Nature, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Coombabah Lakelands Restoration project

Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Nature

Drought Resilience program

Climate Adaptation, Community, Land, Landscapes, Threat - Climate, Threat - Land use

Fishers for fish habitat in the Logan-Albert River

Biodiversity Conservation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Water

Caring for Country on Guwawenewa (Goat Island)

Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, First Nations, Nature

Clean Up Program

Community, Water

Davidson Street creek restoration

Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Nature, Urban design

Three Mile Scrub

Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Nature

Water by Design

Coastal & marine, Community, Urban design, Water

Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program EHMP

Coastal & marine, Community, Water

Pumicestone shellfish habitat restoration

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Land, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Water

Erosion and sediment control and urban stormwater

Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Water, Water by Design

Ransome Road Reserve Restoration

Coastal & marine, Community

Pumicestone erosion control

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Environmental Offsets, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Water

Hays Inlet Weed Control Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Land, Nature, Threat - Invasive species

Protecting Koalas

Biodiversity Conservation, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Lungfish Habitat Rehabilitation

Goal 14: Life Below Water, Nature

Mid Brisbane Partnerships Program

Community, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Environmental Offsets, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Water

Moreton Bay Debris Removal program

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, First Nations, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Land, Landscapes, Threat - Pollution, Water

Moreton Bay Ramsar Wetland project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Fire, First Nations, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Pollution, Threat - Sediment, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss, Water

Moreton Bay Shorebirds project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Pig Control on Quandamooka Country

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, First Nations, Nature, Threat - Invasive species

Healthy Waterplay

Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Water

North Stradbroke Island Ecological Assessment

Coastal & marine, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Knowledge Research, Nature, People & Culture, Threat - Land use, Threat - Vegetation loss

Fire Management Dashboard Guides

Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Landscapes, Threat - Fire

Bells Creek and Pumicestone Monitoring Program

Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Knowledge Research, Nature, People & Culture, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Waterway recreation, Water

Lower Caboolture Resilience and Nutrients Offset

Coastal & marine, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Environmental Offsets, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 09: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss, Water

Koalas and bushfire workshops

Community, Fire, First Nations, Land, Nature, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species

Fuel Hazard Assessment Training

Community, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Fire Planning and Preparedness

Community, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Science Committee, Strategic Science & Sustainability

Integrated Fire Management Strategy on Moreton Island

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Landscapes, Nature, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Fire

Technical and Strategic Services for QYAC

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Fire, First Nations, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Knowledge Research, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss, Water

Moreton Island QYAC Fire Project

Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Knowledge Research, Land, Nature, Threat - Fire

Mareeba Fire Management Workshops

Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Adaptation, Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Landscapes, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Threat - Fire, Threat - Land use, Threat - Threatened species

Estuarine Marine and Freshwater Health Monitoring Project

Coastal & marine, Community, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Knowledge Research, Nature, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Pollution, Water

Bushfire Planning Workshops - Gladstone

Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Land, Nature, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Threat - Fire, Threat - Land use, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Living Waterways - What's Your Nature?

Climate Adaptation, Community, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Nature, Threat - Sediment, Water, Water by Design

Resilient Rivers

Community, Environmental Offsets, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Land Restoration, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Water

Aura Community Program

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, First Nations, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Nature, Water

North Pine River Source Protection

Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Threat - Vegetation loss, Water

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program

Air & atmosphere, Climate Adaptation, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Threat - Fire

Conserving Greater and Yellow-bellied Gliders

Biodiversity Conservation, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species

Laidley Creek Restoration Master Plan

Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Landscapes, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Pollution, Water

Port of Brisbane Shellfish Habitat Restoration

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Water

BHP Protecting Koalas Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Eastern Bristlebirds - Bushfire Rehabilitation

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species

Grey-headed Flying Fox - Bushfire Rehabilitation

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Fire, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species

Fishers for fish habitat in Maroochy & Northern Moreton Bay

Biodiversity Conservation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Water

Mid Brisbane Partnership - New phase

Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Environmental Offsets, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Water

Flood Recovery for Wildlife and Habitat

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Climate, Threat - Threatened species

Dogs Off-leash Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Nature, Threat - Threatened species

Restoring Lockyer's wildlife habitat post-fires

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Fire, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Fox and Cat Control Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Nature, Threat - Threatened species

Integrated Cultural Fire Management on Bribie Island

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Landscapes, Strategic Science & Sustainability, Threat - Fire

Boat Strike Control Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, First Nations, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Nature, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Waterway recreation, Water

Phase two Bushfire Recovery Project: Fire Management - Phase 2

Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium, Threat - Fire, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss

Lota Creek Wetlands Restoration

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Water

Turning the brown snake blue – Brisbane River Erosion Source Master Plan

Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Sediment, Water

T.S. Onslow shoreline management

Coastal & marine, Community, Nature

Egret Colony Victoria Point Wetlands Restoration Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, Fire, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Threatened species, Water

Regional Landcare Partnerships Environment

Biodiversity Conservation, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, Fire, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Pollution, Threat - Sediment, Threat - Threatened species, Threat - Vegetation loss, Water

Regional Landcare Partnerships Core

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Land use, Threat - Vegetation loss

Deception Bay Wetlands Restoration

Coastal & marine, Landscapes

Regional Landcare Partnerships RALF

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Direct the investment in SEQ’s environmental future, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal, Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Land use

Water Quality Guidelines for Moreton Bay

Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Adaptation, Coastal & marine, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Knowledge Research, Nature, Water

Regional Land Partnerships Agriculture

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Landscapes, Nature

Station Road Wetlands Restoration Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, First Nations, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Land Restoration, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Threatened species, Water

Riparian Weed Control Program

Biodiversity Conservation, Land, Nature, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Water

Healthy Catchments Program

Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, Environmental Offsets, Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Land, Land Restoration, Threat - Erosion, Threat - Sediment, Water

Nathan Road Wetlands Restoration Project

Biodiversity Conservation, Coastal & marine, Community, First Nations, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land Restoration, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Invasive species, Threat - Threatened species, Water

Nature Refuge Landholder Engagement

Biodiversity Conservation, Community, Create connections between people, place & culture, Deliver transformative environmental & community change, First Nations, Goal 03: Good Health and Well-being, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 15: Life on Land, Land, Landscapes, Nature, Threat - Fire, Threat - Land use, Threat - Vegetation loss

Healthy Land & Water 
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QLD  4001  

Healthy Land and Water Ltd
ABN 91 115 662 989


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