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The following actions will play a critical role in meeting the landscapes targets.
These actions have been identified by the South East Queensland community. These actions are updated regularly in the region's Natural Resource Management Plan, which is managed by Healthy Land & Water on behalf of the region's community.
Plan |
Increase the area available for greenspace recreation and improve accessibility in priority areas. |
Protect areas of identified priority scenic amenity from inappropriate development. |
Targeted provision of green and blue infrastructure within urban footprint. |
Maintain inter and intra urban breaks to prevent urban coalescence and support habitat connectivity (Regional policy in ShapingSEQ). |
Support and create processes for the community and various levels of government to work together to develop new and enhance current regional and local land use planning mechanisms to achieve SEQ NRM Plan targets. |
Manage |
Improve fire (both fire preparedness and use of fire for cultural/ecological/environmental management), weed and pest management of greenspace areas. |
Manage greenspace recreational activities such as mountain biking to reduce negative ecological and community impacts. |
Develop citizen science activities to genuinely engage the landholders and the community in stewardship of their local landscapes and environs. |
Restore |
Securing and activating major green space areas across SEQ. |
Empower |
Encourage and incentivise landholders including on private property to supply additional greenspace recreation areas. |
Provide education campaigns on the respectful use of greenspace areas. |
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The quality of life enjoyed by people in SEQ is supported by access to, and connection with, the unique landscapes of the region. These regional landscapes help to define the region‘s character and our sense of belonging.
By 2031, the 2011 extent of regional outdoor settings will be maintained or increased.
By 2031, the area of regionally high scenic amenity will be maintained or improved from the 2004 baseline.
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Scroll down to see the huge number of projects we are partnering on to protect South East Queensland's beautiful and biodiverse environs.
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