North Stradbroke Island Ecological Assessment

North Stradbroke Island Ecological Assessment


Assessing flora and fauna to make a mining site landholder-ready.


Tree at Mayora falls in North Stradbroke IslandFauna and flora quality data gathering on North Stradbroke Island to support a rehabilitated mining site to transition to the incoming landholder.We helped our stakeholders with information about the fauna and flora on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island).

The Ecological assessment for Minjerribah, funded by Sibelco Australia, is dedicated to flora and fauna data gathering on their mining site which is in the process of being rehabilitated land.

Our work helped assess their compliance against relevant conditions for the rehabilitated land to transition to the incoming landholder.

The project focuses on: 

  • Fauna and flora quality data gathering on Minjerribah.
  • Helping Sibelco with compliance against rehabilitation conditions of its mining site. 
  • Supporting the rehabilitated land to transition to the incoming landholder.


What we did

Photo of tree with aboriginal white drawingConduct an assessment within the Yellow Violet Transition Area.

This project involved: 

  • Gathering fauna and flora quality data on Minjerribah.
  • Conduct an assessment of rehabilitation within the Yellow Violet Transition Area to determine the nature and extent of compliance with the rehabilitation condition


Measuring success

As a result, this project delivered flora and fauna data to demonstrate the nature and extent of compliance with the required conditions for Sibelco to make sure that the Yellow Purple site is land-ready to transition to the incoming landholder.


Why this project is important

Sibelco Australia was in the process of rehabilitating land disturbed by its mining activities on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island).

Where the rehabilitation is complete, Sibelco is required to assess its compliance with relevant rehabilitation conditions specified in the applicable Environmental Authority (EA).

A compliance assessment is required to submit a successful application to surrender part of the relevant EA and for the rehabilitated land to transition to the incoming landholder.


Project snapshot

Project name:  Conducting Ecological Assessment of Minjerribah Project
Project manager:  Hayley Shields & Nicole Rawson-Harris, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment:  North Stradbroke Island
Timing: 2020
Budget: $18,240

This project was funded by Sibelco Australia and run in collaboration with the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC).

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Project collaborators

This project was funded by the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC), with the support of the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS) and the Department of Environment and Science.

QYAC Logo High Resolution transparent background TRIM                      Sibelco

