Healthy Land & Water partners to safeguarding our future
Healthy Land & Water is proud to be a Gold Partner of the 22nd International RiverSymposium being held in Brisbane, 20 -24 October 2019.
As an independent not-for-profit organisation, Healthy Land & Water is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the natural assets of South East Queensland and beyond. As experts in research, monitoring, evaluation, and project management, we deliver innovative and science-based solutions to challenges that pose a threat to the health of our landscapes, waterways, and biodiversity.
With “Resilient Rivers” as the theme of this year’s symposium, we recognise the urgent need to build the capacity of our rivers, communities, and industries to quickly recover from extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, and return to a healthy state, ensuring social and economic prosperity.
Our involvement and commitment will be highlighted throughout the event, starting with our sponsorship of the Welcome Function on Monday night. This is an opportunity to highlight our 20-year success story of the annual Ecosystem Health Report Card which provides an annual assessment of the environmental condition of the catchments, bays, and broad waters of South East Queensland.
The aim of the Report Card is to ultimately inspire action to both protect and conserve the environmental values of the region and prioritise degraded areas for restoration. We monitor several elements of environmental conditions including; freshwater ecosystem health, estuarine and marine water quality, key habitats, and pollutant loads. Indicators are assessed against established guidelines and benchmarks, resulting in a single grade for each catchment or bay zone.
The Report Card also measures the social and economic benefits that waterways provide to local communities. This information helps to shape behaviour change initiatives across the region. We also provide advice through the Report Card on the most important management actions required to achieve reduced pollutant loads, improved water quality, restored key habitats and fish populations. The 2019 Ecosystem Health Report Card Official Launch will be held on Tuesday 22 October.
We encourage you to network with the Healthy Land & Water team at the conference who will share their insights, projects, and expertise through a series of presentations covering topics such as safe recreation, monitoring waterway conditions and social benefits, pollution, and evaluating strategies for catchment resilience.
Join our Learn Inspire Transform (LIT) partner session on Wednesday where you will be challenged to explore the co-design process and what is genuine community engagement. Healthy Land & Water has integrated a co-design process to deliver both environmental and social outcomes for local communities in Queensland. One of these projects will be featured in the Creek to Coast Eco-Tour on Thursday 24 October. Places are limited, visit to book your place.
We look forward to meeting you in Brisbane in October.